tisdag 8 november 2016

We are back. Hi again we have started up our gamer engines once more. We will soon start to post new battle reports and hobby projects. Looking forward to being more active :D

lördag 22 augusti 2015

Showcase: Dogs of War Paymaster

This Games day 2013 Marco Colombo minature I painted awhile ago will serve as my Dogs of War Paymaster. //Jimi

onsdag 19 augusti 2015

Besides my Flayerkins I have been working on some of mutated rat ogres. I have decided to use the stormfiend models. What I really like about those models is the size, they are so much larger then a usual rat ogre. I have used some green stuff to get rid of the places where the armor usually is. Surprisingly enough the armor of the models is pretty optional something I really liked, because I want raw stitched mutants not some skryre mechanic super monster. One other problem with the model is the hands (why will you not include regular hands GW!!!!!!). What i have noticed is that the hands of river trolls match these models really good, all it need is some measurement, some green stuff and voila! you have yourself an ordinary rat ogre... except it is HUGE!!!. I am going to play these bad boys as mutated rat ogres with mutations that give them +1 toughness and +1 strength which results in some really heavy big toughness 5 and strength 6 monsters. God I love 6th edition. well hope you like the model. there are two more on the way. 

Oh I nearly forgot, I have also placed a pack master on his base, helping him to reattaching his left arm, while he is inspecting his other recently resown right arm. enjoy ^^. 

Here are some of my conversions that I will use as flayerkins. I am going to use ghoul converted skaven models as giant rats or thotlings, I am not really sure of which yet. My idea is that the clan will have a great supply of test subjects that will be consisting of the ghoul models and that some which have been experimented on and survived will have great mutations and be played as flayerkins.

måndag 6 april 2015

Season of the cockatrice

Mawg who were recently wounded sent out his throtlings to search for the cooking books of Urga hoping that the witches magical potion could heal his severe wounds.

Pirazzo had also heard about the cooking books and thought they could be sold for a tremendous price on the black markets of Tilea.

Now the two warbands once more meet each other in the forests.

Turn 1: Pirazzo's amazons finds one of Urgas lost cooking books but they can hear that something is lurking in the woods.

Turn 2: After a short look in the books Pirazzo and his men starts the hunt for cockatrice eggs, which is the secret ingredients in the potion of revival.

Turn 3: Pirazzo and his men splits up and soon they start finding weird and colorful eggs in the forest, some of them must be a cockatrice egg.

Turn 4: Otto Fatman's pikemen soon finds themselves surrounded by a horrifying group of throtlings. A huge rat ogre with two heads is also accompanying them.

Turn 5: Otto's men tries to back and brace themselves for an attack. The rat ogre roars and the hordes of entwined throtling bodies swarms over the poor pikemen who flees back towards the city.

Turn 6: Pirazzo is unaware of what has taken place, he has seen some unnaturally big rats but they have been easy to kill and he soon walks back towards the city of Tilea.


Easter Bash

The season of the cockatrice

As spring breaks out in the Tilean areas of the old world the season of the cockatrice takes place. It is a magical time for searching after eggs, cooking up magical soups and bashing in the skulls of your enemies.

This easter an old hag namned Urga who lived near the Tilea capital have died of old age. She was known for her expertise in magical potions. Soon after her death her cottage was burglarized. Some of the things that were stolen were of great value. It is said that somewhere in her books and notes the recepie to revive a fallen soldier lies.

Now all warbands in the nearest areas are killing each other over cooking books ingredients and old sheets of recepies.

This campaign supplement should be played for a course of a day. And is a great fun way to make your warband campaign slightly funner during the easter weekend.

The campaing uses the same scenario set up as the ”A little war” scenario in the warhammer warbands article with a few changes.

In the first three game played during the day the note with the cooking book should be placed in the middle of the table. The cooking books works like a banner in most ways but you can also pick it up but walking over the marker. If a unit had the cooking book during the end of a match the unit will continue to carry the book untill it is broken in combat in another match.

In each match played there should be 3 egg markers placed on the table. They are carried and dropped in the same way as the secret ingredience. Right after deploying your troops roll to see who has to place the first egg marker. The marker must be placed 24 inches from any friendly unit and 6 inches from another egg marker. You get +25VP for each egg carried at the end of the game. New egg markers are placed on the battlefield and the eggs are removed from the units after each match. They will play a more important role at the end of the campaign.

In the end of the campaign all warbands that has one of Urgas cooking books is rewarded with a magical potion of revival special magic item.

The potion of revival is a magic item that can be used after a battle were one of you models have died permanently (after rolling on the serious injury chart)(it works on everything from charcters to monsters, musicians and champions etc etc). The potion of revival can only be used once then it disappears from your warband. The power of the potions varies on how many eggs you averagely collected during the cockatrice campaign. What you do is you take the number of eggs collected in total and divides that amount with the amount of games you have played. This vill give you an average of 0-3 eggs.

0 eggs: youre model is revived but roll on the heroes serious injury chart two times
(reroll any deaths)
1 egg: the same as above but only one time
2 eggs: your model is fully recovered
3 eggs: your model is recovered and regenerated, more powerfull then before. Roll a d6:
1-3: +1ws/bs
4-5: +1s
6: +1w

written by Karl Krantz 2015-04-03