lördag 22 augusti 2015

Showcase: Dogs of War Paymaster

This Games day 2013 Marco Colombo minature I painted awhile ago will serve as my Dogs of War Paymaster. //Jimi

onsdag 19 augusti 2015

Besides my Flayerkins I have been working on some of mutated rat ogres. I have decided to use the stormfiend models. What I really like about those models is the size, they are so much larger then a usual rat ogre. I have used some green stuff to get rid of the places where the armor usually is. Surprisingly enough the armor of the models is pretty optional something I really liked, because I want raw stitched mutants not some skryre mechanic super monster. One other problem with the model is the hands (why will you not include regular hands GW!!!!!!). What i have noticed is that the hands of river trolls match these models really good, all it need is some measurement, some green stuff and voila! you have yourself an ordinary rat ogre... except it is HUGE!!!. I am going to play these bad boys as mutated rat ogres with mutations that give them +1 toughness and +1 strength which results in some really heavy big toughness 5 and strength 6 monsters. God I love 6th edition. well hope you like the model. there are two more on the way. 

Oh I nearly forgot, I have also placed a pack master on his base, helping him to reattaching his left arm, while he is inspecting his other recently resown right arm. enjoy ^^. 

Here are some of my conversions that I will use as flayerkins. I am going to use ghoul converted skaven models as giant rats or thotlings, I am not really sure of which yet. My idea is that the clan will have a great supply of test subjects that will be consisting of the ghoul models and that some which have been experimented on and survived will have great mutations and be played as flayerkins.